Hello friends, Ready for today's step in our journey together?? A journey to change our lives and reach a better destination.
Well, today's advice to me and you is get up right now, dress something nice & go out !!
Yes, you need to go out of your home everyday in order to find new opportunities.
We keep complaining that nothing good or interesting is happening to us but how on earth anything would happen if we're just laying on our couches watchin TV !!!
So, let's go out now and do something..anything !
Don't say I dun have plans or no one to go out with. Just go by yourself, enjoy ur own company.. Make small chitchats with strangers.
And today, i did that !!
I woke up earlier than I used to.. Got dressed and went out with my baby.
I spent all day in the mall.. I walked..I made some shopping..I talked to people who approached me alot to play woth my baby.. I even studied for my diploma's exam a little in a cafe.
And guess what? My mood is much better than yesterday and I feel more energetic.
And I did not regret it for sure 😊👍